A Fantasy AI App for Peace

Pradeep B. Deshpande
5 min readMar 14, 2024


Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are part of nature and therefore part of the mystery that we are trying to solve. Max Planck (https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Max_Planck)

The famed physicist, the late Stephen Hawking, and Tesla Motors & SpaceX Chief, Elon Musk, have warned about the destructive potential of AI. Google CEO, Sunder Pichai has also warned of danger that AI poses and has called for its regulation. In the meanwhile, here is a dream App that can make the world more peaceful.

Negative emotions like anger, hostility, resentment, frustration, jealousy, fear, sorrow, and the like elevate stress levels and make the world less peaceful while positive emotions like unconditional love, kindness, empathy, compassion have the opposite effect. Becoming endowed with positive emotions at the exclusion of negative emotions is not an intellectual exercise, changes have to come from within.

At the fundamental level, human beings vibrate all the time and the vibrational signals contain precious information about emotions but the five senses aren’t sufficiently sensitive to decipher them. They must be stimulated and amplified for measurement purposes.

MIT’s EQ Radio uses wireless RF signals to estimate emotions while the Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) technology, registered with FDA uses a harmless electrical current. The heart rate variability too informs us of our psychoemotional state.

Meditation has long been known to bring about positive changes from within. Specific combination of alphabets (for example, the 33+ in Sanskrit) when recited silently and repeatedly, stimulate the 33 vertebrae of the spinal cord and introduce favorable changes in the central nervous system, producing a positive effect on the vibrational characteristics of the human organism. Recent medical research has shown that meditation lengthens telomeres and slows aging.

The product SHIVA HELMET stimulates the neurons in the various regions of the brain and produces a positive effect on the brainwaves while the product MUSE HEADBAND informs us what fraction of the time our brain is quiet.

All the elements of a feedback control system required for a Fantasy AI App to regulate emotions are more or less in place, save for the controller in the cloud. The subject wears a sensor which detects the vibrational characteristics indicative of emotions while a patch which the subject also wears, sends the received signals to the central nervous system. The controller in the cloud which compares the incoming signals with the targets corresponding to positive emotions and generates an error vector. The controller acts on the error vector and computes the signals necessary to reduce the error. The control command is wirelessly sent to the patch through which the brain waves are adjusted in a way that the vibrational characteristics move closer to the targets, toward positive emotions.

In effect, the subjects will be in a constant state of meditation, unknowingly, while they go about doing their tasks, similar to the state that a self-realized yogi is in at all times, pursuant to decades of intense meditation.

I asked my guru, H. H. Guru Mahan not long ago, how long he meditates daily and he replied, I am always meditating. Yogis call this state, Turya Avastha. He has been going into three weeks of meditation with no food for the past thirty-three years for world peace.

A girl identifies colors A boy reads blindfolded

Guru Mahan possesses a tremendous amount of intuition, self-awareness, and a very high level of emotional excellence as a consequence of long years of meditation. Yogic processes can enhance intuition to a point it becomes possible to do tasks blindfolded provided the training is given at a young age. Since intuition is immediate cognition without the benefit of the five senses and the rational mind, it is clear the intuition of the children has shot up. Guru Mahan explains that intuition is enhanced when yogic processes stimulate the pineal gland that secrets melatonin. The peak melatonin levels drop as we age and that may be a reason why adults may not be able to reproduce such performance.

Nonetheless, the fantasy AI App will make us more intuitive. And intuition, self-awareness, and emotional excellence have been widely credited as critical components of leadership.

And higher levels of emotions will bring a myriad of other benefits: exemplary performance, health & wellness, creativity and innovativeness, interpersonal relationships and less discord and violence.

The Fantasy AI APP can make the world more peaceful. The control system will improve health & wellness and improve the performance of subjects in all aspects of life as well. And not everyone need be involved. According to the Maharishi Effect, a small fraction of the world population is sufficient to make this world more peaceful. Renowned quantum physicist and three-time presidential nominee, John Hagelin proved this concept in the eighties. That small number for the world population turns out to be 9,000.

Ancient scriptures place much emphasis on emotional transformation. There are numerous stories in the Puranas where various forms of Adyashakti come to the rescue of humanity by destroying the demons of negative emotions. There are scores of temples in India dedicated to the various forms of Kali, the destroyer of negative emotions. This way of destroying negative emotions is through bhakti (devotion) and it isn’t for everyone. Either you have bhakti or you don’t. In the Bhagvad Geeta, Sri Krishna teaches Arjuna, and through him, humanity, the yoga path for raising emotional excellence.

It is heartwarming that America is recognizing the importance of emotional excellence. The topic is receiving widespread interest in several universities including Yale, Rutgers, and University of New Hampshire. Yale even has a Center for Emotional Intelligence whose motto reads, “Emotions matter.” Daniel Goleman reports in his best-selling book, Emotional Intelligence that UNESCO is actively promoting a curriculum in social and emotional learning. HBR says that Goleman’s articles on emotional intelligence are some of the most enduring in their publication.

In 2019, Business Roundtable (brt.org) issued a New Statement signed by 181 CEOs of some of the largest corporations in the world including Amazon and Apple committing them to a new paradigm of working for the benefit of all stakeholders — suppliers, employees, customers, communities, and shareholders — and away from shareholders-first ideology. It should be apparent the actualization of the New Statement will require a vigorous pursuit of emotional excellence.

Humanity has engaged in epic battles between the good and evil since prehistoric times and the good side has always won in the end. If we succeed in inculcating emotions in robots, we will wind up setting up epic battles between good robots and bad robots. We will really have not changed anything.



Pradeep B. Deshpande
Pradeep B. Deshpande

Written by Pradeep B. Deshpande

Prof. Pradeep Deshpande has developed a scientific framework for external and internal excellence toward a better and more peaceful world.

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