Bill Tiller — Swami Vivekananda Link Deciphered
Pradeep B. Deshpande
The list of American scientists who have recognized and demonstrated the importance of ancient Indian wisdom is growing, and this development could not have come about at a more opportune time. There are probably more individuals than I am listing, but these are the ones who have directly impacted my work.
Nikola Tesla (1856–1943) was among the first. After his interactions with Swami Vivekananda in Chicago in 1893, Tesla is said to have remarked, “If you wish to understand the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, vibrations.”
Next, David R. Hawkins, MD (1927–2012) was a well-known psychiatrist who pioneered the use of the muscle-testing procedure from Kinesiology to discern truth from falsehood. He is coauthor of the book, “Orthomolecular Psychiatry” with Nobel Laureate, Linus R. Pauling. Hawkins was inspired by Ramana Maharishi and Nisarga Datta. The truth meter that Hawkins designed has ancient Indian origins in the Rudraksha.
Apple Co-founder Steve Jobs (1955- 2011) discovered the importance of Yogananda Paramahansa’s Kriya Yoga for enhancing intuition and creativity. Why else would he have made arrangements to distribute a gift copy of Yogananda’s “Autobiography of a Yogi” to everyone who came to his funeral service? Jobs credits intuition for his extraordinary success. See this article, Steve Jobs — Yogananda Paramahansa Link Unraveled in Siliconeer, June 2018 and the short video clip on enhancing intuition in children.
After a decade-long search into the meaning of nothing and the meaning of ultimate reality which included interactions with some of the best brains in physics including Stephen Hawking and John Wheeler, a colleague of Albert Einstein at Princeton, Amanda Gefter released her findings in her path-breaking book, “Trespassing on Einstein’s Lawn”, concluding, The universe came out of nothing, a void.
Gefter’s explanation doesn’t solve the riddle, How nothing transformed into the energy phase of the big bang, incredibly small (about 10–33 cm in diameter), unbelievably hot, and immensely dense.
My friend and associate, Jim Kowall has solved the mystery explaining that consciousness of the void created the energy phase of the big bang which then created the universe. Jim is a triple board certified physician who additionally holds a doctorate in Theoretical Physics. He was inspired by the works of Adi Shankara and Nisarga Datta.
This brings us to W. I. “Bill” Tiller, 92, who is Professor Emeritus in and a former Chair of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Stanford University.
To appreciate the significance of Tiller’s work, we have to understand the ancient notion of Panch Mahabhuta (Five Principal Elements): Prithvi-Earth, Jal-Water, Agni-Fire, Vayu-Air, and Akash-Space (Energy).
All matter present in the universe now was already there in the energy phase of the big bang in unmanifest form some 13.8 billion years ago. After all, the universe came out of it.
If consciousness created the universe, we too are creators since we all have consciousness. This means it should be possible for us to transform e into m and m into e.
Transformation of energy into matter and matter into energy proceeds according to Einstein’s equation, e = mc2.
The sage Patanjali who lived around the time of the Buddha, laid out the methodology of how to transform e into m and m into e in the form of 195 yoga sutras (aphorisms).
In 1896, Swami Vivekananda published the book, Rajayoga, which contains these sutras and a commentary on them. Contained therein are specific sutras for controlling the five principal elements.
Control the five principal elements and you control nature, in particular, you would know how to transform e into m and m into e.
In my jargon, Bill Tiller has demonstrated e into m transformation. The example involved changing the pH of water without adding any chemicals. This is an example of e to m transformation as a change of pH must necessarily involve a change in the amount of H+ and OH- ions, but nothing was added to the water or removed during the test.
Tiller’s procedure involves imprinting an Intention Host Device (IHD) with meditation with the specific intention to bring about the desired change in pH. Following this imprinting process, the electrically plugged-in imprinted IHD is located in the vicinity of the water whose pH is sight to be changed.
In one experiment, Tiller and associates brought about a change of pH of water from 5.6 to 6.6 over five days without adding any chemicals. The website has detailed information about the IHD and the imprinting procedure.
Tiller has also published the book, Psychoenergetic Science: A Second Copernican-scale Revolution on the subject.
To my thinking, Tiller used the Intention Host Device for two reasons: (1) The device has to be imprinted with the intention only once. Thereafter, the IHD will keep working 24x7 as long as it is plugged-in, and (2). The device could be shipped to a different location where there is no expertise in meditation. In the absence of the device, you would need meditators 24x7 to bring about the change.
I attempted to replicate the results of Tiller with the help of a team of meditators in Louisville. The pH did undergo a change but it took several weeks for the change and the final value was off the intended target. The results reminded me of Tiller’s comments in an email exchange: Remember that, on the Hawkins’ scale [of consciousness], loving-kindness begins at 500 which is above the top number of your figure 3 of “The Brahma Uncertainty Principle”. Our results are available in the article, Mind Over Matter: Investigation of Materialization of Intentions. Our meditation wasn’t sufficiently effective.
In his book, Rajayoga, Swami Vivekananda mentions philosopher Immanuel Kant’s observation, there is nothing higher than reason. The products of reason include science, six sigma, laws, regulations, policies, and the like. Then Vivekananda asserts, Indian thought dares to seek, and successfully finds, something higher than reason. Much of the ancient Indian wisdom has come about this way.
You should find it heartwarming that the American scientists mentioned here have transcended the bondage of reason.
More details are available in my companion paper, Why Vivekananda Wrote Rajayoga. That paper explains how transcending reason is a pathway for uniting the nation, racial harmony, and exemplary performance in all walks of life.
Caution, sages have consistently counseled that the real purpose of living is to strive to rise in internal excellence. Siddhis may come along the way but they are a distraction, a side-show.
My interest in Siddhis stems from the possibility that yoga sutras may possess the capacity to tackle some perplexing problems facing humanity such as global warming, desalination, etc. Internal excellence retains primacy.
This paper is written with the blessings of H. H. Gurumahan. Gurumahan has been going into three weeks of Velvi (meditation + penance) annually without food for the past thirty-one years for world peace.
Pradeep Deshpande is Professor Emeritus of Chemical Engineering at the University of Louisville and President of Louisville, KY-based Six Sigma and Advanced Controls, Inc. Pradeep has developed a scientific framework for external and internal excellence toward a better and more peaceful world. He has published several papers on the various aspects of the framework in India and the United States and has made presentations in several countries including the office of the Prime Minister of India and the Parliament of Peru always to enthusiastic audiences. In 2015 his company published the book “Six Sigma for Karma Capitalism” (amazon) and another titled, “The Nature of Ultimate Reality and How It Can Transform Our World” coauthored with James P. Kowall, a triple board certified physician with a PhD in Theoretical Physics (amazon).