Why W. Bengal Can Emerge as the
Most Developed State in India the Fastest
Indian thought dares to seek and successfully find something higher than reason. Swami Vivekananda
I look to a unified world that combines the best qualities of “efficient America” and “spiritual India”. Yogananda Paramahansa
Nations are characterized by the defect levels in the products they manufacture and services they offer. On this basis, India is categorized as an emerging nation while the United States is characterized as a developed nation. Thus, India has no choice but to dramatically bring down the defect levels in all its products and services if the nation’s desire to emerge as a developed nation is to become reality. The vision of these two seers points to how.
The technologies, equipment and the wherewithal for how to bring down the defect levels in manufacturing constitute a scientific framework for external excellence. The United States is as “efficient” as it is because of technology, equipment, strategies, etc.
Now, it is not possible to minimize the defect levels in products and services even with the best equipment, technologies, strategies, etc., in the absence of an adequate level of internal/emotional excellence. Enhance internal/emotional excellence and the performance will zoom. See this article, The Secret of Exemplary Performance in Insights (2019). Insights is a publication of the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), the body that accredits Business School curricula in America.
Higher levels of internal/emotional excellence cannot be acquired with the products of reason (sciences, rational inquiry, laws, policies, regulations, etc.) alone. The required positive changes have to come from within. Swami Vivekananda recognized this when he said, “Indian thought dares to seek and successfully find something higher than reason.”
Meditation, or more generally yoga, is the pathway to transcend reason which delivers higher levels of internal/emotional excellence. And, since emotions can now be measured, progress can be audited.
India is the home to the wherewithal of how to achieve higher levels of internal/emotional excellence since ancient times. In Vedic times, the internal/emotional excellence of India was very high. This is “spiritual India”.
Now, Yogananda Paramahansa’s remark, I look to a unified world that combines the best qualities of efficient America and “spiritual India” will make sense and will be seen as prophetic.
I conducted a three-day workshop on these ideas and concepts at the Indian Statistical Institute in Kolkata in 2018. These ideas need to be introduced in schools & colleges, and public & private sector organizations. Improvement in performance at various levels would be seen pursuant to the implementation of these ideas and concepts in short order and will produce sufficient financial resources with which to acquire equipment, technologies, etc., for further progress.
Who better to internalize and implement the wisdom of these seers than the people of W. Bengal?
About the Author
Pradeep B. Deshpande is Professor Emeritus in and former Chairman of the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Louisville. He is also President of Six Sigma and Advanced Controls based in Louisville, Kentucky. Pradeep has published several articles on six sigma in reputed journals like Chemical Engineering Progress and Hydrocarbon Processing and newspapers and magazines like The Economic Times, Business World, and The Hindu Business Line. With the help of a reputed B-School in Pune, Pradeep helped establish National Six Sigma Excellence Awards for Indian corporates. Airtel received the inaugural award. Pradeep is a recipient of several international awards including the Donald P. Eckman Award in Process Control Education given by the International Society for Automation (ISA) and is a Fellow of ISA. pradeep@sixsigmaquality.com.